By SANFROSSA MANYINDA GREEN Party president Peter Sinkamba has suggested that the general elections be held earlier than the set date due to the rising Covid-19 cases. Mr Sinkamba said the rate at which the pandemic was spreading was extremely alarming. He said the move would not only be perfectly constitutional, but that it would …

By SANFROSSA MANYINDA GREEN Party president Peter Sinkamba has suggested that the general elections be held earlier than the set date due to the rising Covid-19 cases. Mr Sinkamba said the rate at which the pandemic was spreading was extremely alarming. He said the move would not only be perfectly constitutional, but that it would also certainly cut off a super-spreader from the equation. “I foresee hospitals adopting a “Do Not Resuscitate” Policy for certain age groups, turn away policy for certain patients, especially those in critical state and oxygen stocks running out completely for poor population groups, and sheer hopelessness. “At such a rate of spread and death, I foresee staff at a reasonably good number of polling and totaling centres get caught up in the crossfire or collateral damage,” he said. Mr Sinkamba added that it was worrying to hear reports of bed spaces having reached up to 100 percent full. He said the situation if not handled well may continue seeing an increase in the death rate. Mr Sinkamba said it was shocking to note how the number of deaths have been increasing from 28 on Tuesday to 48 on Wednesday.