By AARON CHIYANZO THE Registrar of Societies has refused to make changes on UNIP records of office bearers in its possession as secretly requested by each of the factions battling for leadership of the party until disputes are settled by the court. The Registrar stated that since the matter was in court, the true office …

By AARON CHIYANZO THE Registrar of Societies has refused to make changes on UNIP records of office bearers in its possession as secretly requested by each of the factions battling for leadership of the party until disputes are settled by the court. The Registrar stated that since the matter was in court, the true office bearers would be known when the court decides. In a letter addressed to ICN Legal Practitioners representing one of the aggrieved parties, Chief registrar of societies, Thandiwe Mhende said two congress meetings had taken place in UNIP in the last two months that had elected different leaders. Ms Mhende said the outcome of each congress meeting by the battling factions had presented a list of leaders that emerged as winners. She said the first congress meeting which was held between April 2nd to 4th, 2021 presented Bishop Trevor Mwamba as Party president while the other held a month later, between May 6th to 7th 2021 presented Lieutenant Colonel Henry Muyoba as the party president. Ms Mhende said based on the outcome of the congresses, her office could not make changes to the records. She said the leadership of Tilyenji Kaunda was highly contested over the past years and that several court processes had arisen from the disputes. “A careful study of the happenings in the leadership of your clients’ society, coupled with conflicting positions given by the two factions with regard to the first congress held, the office is unable to proceed to effect any changes on the UNIP records,” the letter reads in part. Ms Mhende said before her office effects any changes to the UNIP records, the disputes should be settled by the court. She said the court would determine who the legitimate office bearers should be. “Currently, the determination is beyond the jurisdiction of this office,” said Ms Mhende. Ms Mhende said UNIP records would remain unchanged until such a time when courts determine otherwise. Meanwhile, the UNIP faction led by Bishop Mwamba successfully filed to contest this years’ elections.