Police have arrested a 28-year-old man of Kalulushi who is alleged to be behind a spate of theft of items from motor vehicles. Copperbelt, Commissioner of police, Elias Chushi, said Charles Mupewuka, was nabbed for allegedly being behind the cases of theft from motor vehicles in Kitwe’s town centre, shopping malls, night clubs and lodges. […]

Police have arrested a 28-year-old man of Kalulushi who is alleged to be behind a spate of theft of items from motor vehicles. Copperbelt, Commissioner of police, Elias Chushi, said Charles Mupewuka, was nabbed for allegedly being behind the cases of theft from motor vehicles in Kitwe’s town centre, shopping malls, night clubs and lodges. He was arrested yesterday at police check point on his way to Lusaka. “The criminal who has been using a black Toyota Mark X, Registration Number 159 to commit the offences was intercepted by alert police officers at the check point as he was trying to drive out of Kitwe to Lusaka. “He wanted to go and sell stolen laptops, phones, IPads, using a now painted Grey Mark X, bearing a registration number BAP 159. After a thorough search at his house assorted stolen items and money were recovered,” he said. Mr Chushi called on the public whose property was stolen from their motor vehicles to get to police in Kitwe and identify the suspect as well as the items recovered. – ZANIS