MULENGA MUSONDA writes SOUTHERN Province Provincial Education Officer is elated with Njase Girls Secondary School for its excellent efforts in complying with Governments directive that all schools should venture into Production Unit. Mrs Florence Chikalekale commended Njase Girls, which she said has demonstrated that not only is it one of best schools in the country but it is also […]
SOUTHERN Province Provincial Education Officer is elated with Njase Girls Secondary School for its excellent efforts in complying with Governments directive that all schools should venture into Production Unit.
Mrs Florence Chikalekale commended Njase Girls, which she said has demonstrated that not only is it one of best schools in the country but it is also committed to the development of its pupil’s skills even beyond Secondary education.
She was speaking when she launched the Tomato Harvest at the Schools Production Unit Garden in Choma.
During her visit, the PEO and her entourage inspected the three Production Units Projects comprising of a Piggery, Poultry and Garden all solely initiated by the School Management and Pupils in order to raise an extra income for the School to sustain itself.
Mrs Annah Munachonga, the School’s Production Unit Coordinator explained to the entourage during the tour of the Units that the School is in the process of diversifying into Maize production immediately land is acquired.
In the Piggery section Njase Girls opened the year with 15 Pigs, which saw 11 being sold, and the current number remaining at 4 Pigs, 1 Boar and 3 Soars for breeding.
At the Poutry Section, the School boasts of rearing between100 Chickens to a maximum of 300 per batch.
Much to the delight and amazement of the entourage, the School in its Garden Unit is producing a variety of vegetables ranging from Cabbages, Giant Rape, Chinese Cabbage, Impwa and Egg Plants.
Mrs Munachonga took the entourage round and showed them the over 3000 healthy green heads of Cabbage, Rape and Egg Plants combined.
The PU Coordinator went on to avail the Tomato Garden which currently comprises 1500 plants with healthy fruits that the PEO harvested and became the first one to purchase first fresh produce.
The Newton variety of Tomato which is deep in red colour is what the School is currently producing.The School settled for this variety because of its suitability for green house and open field cultivation.
The School spent a total of K22,636 of which K8,731 went to labour, land preparation,procuring of seedlings,chemicals, fertiliser among others.The remaining K13,905 was used on procuring Production Assets such as the drip kit, Water Tank, Plumbing Materials etc.
The Sun