RABECCA BANDA writes@SunZambianLUSAKA male juvenile has been dragged to court for stealing chickens.Appearing at the Lusaka magistrates court before magistrate Nsunge Chanda was the boy accused of stealing chickens from different people.In count one it is alleged that the boy in August 2020 broke into Noah’s chicken run and stole 500 village chickens.In count it […]

RABECCA BANDA writes@SunZambianLUSAKA male juvenile has been dragged to court for stealing chickens.Appearing at the Lusaka magistrates court before magistrate Nsunge Chanda was the boy accused of stealing chickens from different people.In count one it is alleged that the boy in August 2020 broke into Noah’s chicken run and stole 500 village chickens.In count it is alleged that the boy on August 11 2020 did break into the house of Joseph Phiri and stole a toilet pan and cistern worth K3,250.In count three it is alleged that on June 6, 2020 the boy stole two village chickens belonging to Mildred Zimba.In count four it is alleged that the boy on August 17 2020 did steal broiler chickens from a chicken rum valued at K3,000.The boy pleaded guilty on all four counts.Magistrate: Did you steal from Noah’s Chicken run?Boy: Yes I stole the chickens.Magistrate: how many chicken’s did you steal?Boy: I stole five chickens and not 500 chickens as per indictment.Magistrate: Why did you steal the toilet pan and cistern from Mr Phiri?Boy: I wanted to raise money so that I go back to schoolMagistrate: Did you steal broilerchickens worth K5,000 from a chicken rum?Boy: Yes but the owner recovered all the chickens.Magistrate Chanda asked the grandfather where the boy’s parents are.The grandfather explained that his daughter, the mother of the boy passed away and the father is alive but not seen. He is the one who looks after the boy.Magistrate: why does he not go to school?Grandfather: He used to lie that he had gone to school yet he was somewhere else. He stopped going to school on his own. The Sun