JACKSON MAPAPAYIwrites @SunZambiaSOLWEZI Municipal Council has advised residents to always obtain burial permits before putting to rest their relatives or friends as it is a legal requirement.Meanwhile, the local authority has issued about 668 burial permits between January and September this year and buried about seven un-claimed bodies during the same period.Council Assistant Public Relations […]

JACKSON MAPAPAYIwrites @SunZambiaSOLWEZI Municipal Council has advised residents to always obtain burial permits before putting to rest their relatives or friends as it is a legal requirement.Meanwhile, the local authority has issued about 668 burial permits between January and September this year and buried about seven un-claimed bodies during the same period.Council Assistant Public Relations Manager, Esther Chirwa, said that of the 668 burial permits, five were from the high cost while the remaining were from the low cost burial sites.Asked if the council has had situations where people could bury their beloved ones without getting burial permits, Ms Chirwa responded in the affirmative.She however advised members of the public to always get burial permits from the council before proceeding to Kimiteto grave yard.“The document is very important because it can be used in various circumstances that may befall them,” she stated.Ms Chirwa added that K13,260 was collected from the low cost and K25,000 from the high cost in form of revenue bringing the total to K38,260.She indicated that revenues collected from the high cost have increased from K15,000 last year to K25,000 this year.“But, there is a slight reduction in terms of revenue collection from the low cost burial site,” said Ms Chirwa.On unclaimed bodies, Ms Chirwa revealed that the cost burying unclaimed bodies has reduced from K29,150 last year to K18, 550 this year. The Sun